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Volume 38, No. 15
An Exciting Fall - Dear friends, It’s hard to believe that the summer is near its end. My children all go back to school on Tuesday, which is both a relief and a grief. As a mother, it feels like my kids don’t age during the summer...
Volume 38, No. 14
Help Sustain Our Growth - Dear Royal Lane Family, Last week you should have received a statement in the mail with your record of giving for the year. First and foremost, I want to say thank you. Your giving has been instrumental in...
Volume 38, No. 13
Staff Updates - Dear Royal Lane Family, We have several exciting staff updates to share with you. The first is that we’ve recently hired a new Maintenance Director and Housekeeper. For those who have been around Royal Lane for a while...
Volume 38, No. 12
Practicing Life Together - The summer season affords some unique opportunities for us to live life with young people in our community. When we walk with kids and youth through a cycle of active participation and reflection, helping them try on...
Volume 38, No. 11
"Reverend Mamas" - Several months ago Cameron Vickrey and I started a substack - a place to share our thoughts through writing. As time has progressed, it’s changed. Most recently, it’s become a place where I share sermon...