The Journal

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Volume 37, No. 24

12/21/23 | Newsletter

Taking Stock -  Dear Friends, As we rapidly approach the end of the year, it is important that we each take stock of our year-end giving. We are less than two weeks out from the end of our fiscal year, and our church needs your help. How...

Volume 37, No. 23

12/7/23 | Newsletter

The Tortuous Embrace of Life -  A good friend of mine sent me a quote from Dan Snyder’s book Praying in the Dark. It reads as follows: “Whether spirituality begins with an altar call at a tent revival or gazing at the stars, it...

Volume 37, No. 22

11/16/23 | Newsletter

Our Elders - On Monday night I attended an event with Barbara Brown Taylor at Preston Hollow Presbyterian Church. If you’ve heard me preach, then you know how much I love Barbara Brown Taylor. While I took copious notes on Monday (I think...

Volume 37, No. 21

11/2/23 | Newsletter

Stewardship Matters Friends, We are thick in the season of stewardship preparing for next year’s budget. I am so thankful for all God has done in my first year of ministry at Royal Lane, and I look forward to all that lies ahead...

Volume 37, No. 20

10/19/23 | Newsletter

Don’t Defund Public SchoolsVoucher scheme wastes money, violates Constitution The following was written by Rev. Victoria Robb Powers, along with Rev. Charlie Johnson, Rev. George Mason, Dr. Andy Stoker, and Rev. Neil Thomas. It was...

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