The Mosaic

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Volume 37, No. 2

1/19/23 | Newsletter

Why We Take Our Kids to Church - 

I mentioned in my sermon last Sunday a post I read about the church losing its particularity. The essential point was: because God can be found anywhere, there's no need to go to church. You can find God in nature, in music, during a yoga session, or at Soul Cycle.

While I believe that God is everywhere, I don't believe the church has lost its particularity. It takes practice to find God everywhere, and the only way to notice God EVERYwhere is to practice noticing God SOMEwhere.

We take our kids to church not just because mom's a minister, but because we want them to learn to find God in church, and by doing so, learn to find God outside the church. Going to church every week is a practice in noticing God's everywhereness. 

On Sundays, I tell my kids to look for God in the scriptures we read, the music we sing, the people we greet, and the bread and cup we eat and drink. It takes work, even for me, but God is always there, and I've found it's easier to find God when we're looking together. 

I hope you'll keep joining us every Sunday and bring your children too if you have them. Let's practice noticing God together. 

Peace to all of you,
Pastor Victoria