Volume 37, No. 14
ATTENTION - On Sunday, I mentioned a new spiritual journey I’m beginning called “A to Z Spirituality.” Every week a new spiritual discipline is introduced to help individuals better sense the presence of God. The first discipline is a primary one, and not just alphabetically. It’s the discipline of attention.
On Sunday we read the story of Jacob and the dream he has while he’s headed towards Haran. When he wakes up, he marvels at the fact that God is in his midst, and he didn’t know it. How often do we, too, walk around with God in our midst and no awareness?
I've been trying to be more intentional this week with my awareness. That means several things for me. First, it means less time spent on my phone. It means more time spent in silence. And it means more intention about being present to the moment.
Yesterday, I had a couple hours with my youngest daughter, which is rare, because life seems to revolve around everyone else but her. I was intentional about my awareness to the moment, and I found myself in complete awe of who she is and what she can do — how independent she’s becoming, the new words she can say, how joyful and curious she is. My heart began to swell with gratitude, and all I could think was, “Thank you, God, for this child.”
Robin Wall Kimmerer wrote: “Attention is the doorway to gratitude, the doorway to wonder, the doorway to reciprocity.” I’m finding this week in my efforts to pay attention that I’m full of more gratitude and wonder.
May you, too, find moments this week where your awareness helps you recognize the presence of God in your midst, and may you be filled with gratitude.
Pastor Victoria