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Volume 37, No. 13

7/13/23 | Newsletter

Can you feel the excitement?

Ever since I took the role as Senior Pastor at Royal Lane, I’ve been full of hope and optimism as to where our community of faith is headed. Royal Lane has such a bright future and is ripe with potential to become a beacon of hope for the city of Dallas.

As I’ve taken the time to get to know your individual stories, one thing I’ve heard again and again is: I was about to give up on church, and then I found Royal Lane.

Think how many other folks are out there ready to give up on organized religion. Our church has the opportunity to become the church of second chances for many others in our area.

This past week we welcomed our new Minister to Children, Youth and Families. Surely by now you’ve heard me say that there is no better partner for parents than Beth when it comes to raising children and youth in the Christian faith.

Royal Lane already stood apart as a church for those who were no longer so sure about church. But now we stand apart even more as a church where children and youth will be guided by a minister who is exceptionally equipped in spiritual care for the young.

Can you feel the excitement? God has good things in store for Royal Lane.


Pastor Victoria