Volume 36, No. 9
I Have a Hunch
Steve Graham
I have grown to appreciate the importance of the Bible Study classes at Royal Lane for all ages. Children, youth, and adults are given good leadership shared by folk very much committed week in and week out to provide warmth and light for the journey.
This thought by Craig Dykstra from Growing in the Life of Faith frames the experience, the mark on the horizon that each class pursues.
I have a hunch
that God is using the Bible
for many more things than just to inform us.
God is using the Bible, I would say,
to give us courage,
to set us free of whatever enslaves us,
To seduce us (if that is not too strong a word)
into the love God has for us,
to call us to account,
to turn us around from whatever paths
of destruction we may be following,
to humble us where we need to be humbled,
to lift us up when we are heavily burdened,
to forgive us, to redeem us, to make us holy,
God is using the Bible
not only to inform us but to form us and re-form us,
to shape us into God’s own.
Would you like to connect to a class that is just right for you? If I might help you, let me do that!