Volume 35, No. 21
"A Day of New Beginnings"
All Saints Sunday will mark a day of new beginnings for Royal Lane. On this day, Sunday, November 7, 2021, the Royal Lane Columbarium Garden will be dedicated to God.
This Garden offers a beautiful and warm setting for church members and their loved ones to have an enduring resting place surrounded by the Church, a place of Grace. As the Columbarium Committee has led us to recognize, “This Garden fulfills our mission to oversee the spiritual life of our Fellowship from birth and baptism through life to death.”
For many years to come this Garden of prayer and remembrance will be marked as a place of tender grace for those we love. It will lead us to remember they do not wish to be held close by grief alone. “It is better to remember them by furthering their highest hopes!” (William Sloane Coffin).
Steve Graham