Volume 35, No. 15
Transition Support Team
The Member Resource Committee has established a task force to help during our pastor transition. The “Transition Support Team” has been set up to inspire and reconnect us to our church family and mission, to update the amazing work of our previous transition team, to provide a conduit of information to our pastor search efforts, and to collaborate with the interim pastor. The members serving on this committee are: Bryan Chastain, Brittany Jones, Mike Keith, Wayne Meachum, Karen Miller, Steve Sumter, and Janina Washington. The Member Resource Liaison to this team is Sharon Vickrey. We look forward to hearing more from this team, and we will pray for them as they begin their work!
How Will We Fit In?
What are our gifts, interests, and talents? How will we best use them within our church family and in our community?
The Member Resource Committee can answer these questions if you will please complete Royal Lane’s online “Member Interest Survey”. You may access the survey with the following URL address or by submitting a “pen & paper” survey which you can pick up during Sunday worship. Those who we know prefer a paper copy will be sent a survey by USPS mail. Thank you for participating.