Volume 35, No. 11
Returning to Worship Guidelines
Dear Royal Lane Family,
Before returning to in-person worship June 6th, the Re-Opening Committee would like to remind you of our recommended safety measures. Because each of us are still vulnerable to the COVID-19 virus, and because we may be worshipping with children who are unable to receive vaccines and people who are immunocompromised, our safety practices will continue.
General Safety Protocols:
- Mask wearing is highly encouraged, especially during congregational singing. Unvaccinated children should wear masks.
- Please use hand sanitizer upon entering the sanctuary.
- Continue to practice distancing.
- Stay home if you feel sick.
Here are some details about our worship time together:
- Children remain in the pews during the Children’s Sermon.
- Childcare will not yet be available.
- Ushers will have offertory plates at the sanctuary exit locations – Narthex, and East Exit by parking lot.
- When Communion is served, individually packaged juice/wafer elements (including Gluten Free wafers) will be served.
Returning to worship is a big step, and one we are taking with a lot of discussion, thought and prayer. Thank you for your patience and grace throughout this process.
Charlotte Sewell, Deacon Chair