The Mosaic

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Volume 35, Issue 20

10/20/21 | Newsletter

"A Church is a Home for Love"

William Sloane Coffin describes the church: “A church is a place where we try to think, speak, and act in God’s way, not in the way of a fear-filled world. A church is a home for love, a home for brothers and sisters to dwell in unity, to rest and be healed, to let go their defenses and be free—free from worries, free from tensions, free to laugh, free to cry.”

I trust that you and I have found ourselves remembering and reassessing our love for the work of God’s kingdom here at Royal Lane. We really are building life together. In this season of recovery from the pandemic, let us focus now upon renewing our devotion to God and our commitment to give in the coming year. Jennifer and I are praying to discern how we might commit to give of our tithe and offerings during this time of transition. We have a strong sense of understanding about how God has blessed our lives from that day many years ago with you until this present moment in time. Sunday, we will join together with you in bringing our pledge.

Steve Graham




Steve Graham