Pastor's Book Group

Pastor's Book Group

Tuesday, February 11, 2020, 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Location: Room 202, 6707 ROYAL LN, Dallas, TX US 75230-4100

Schedule: PBG will take a short break and resume on March 3.

Next Book: "Inspired" by Rachel Held Evans

What is the PBG?
The Pastor’s Book Group is an informal time to discuss important books about faith and culture. 

Which authors will we read?
Diana Butler Bass, Brené Brown, Father Gregory Boyle, Ta-Nehisi Coates, Rachel Held Evans, Atul Gawande, Anne Lamott, Trevor Noah, Bryan Stevenson, Angie Thomas, and more!

How much reading is required?
The amount of reading will not be strenuous as the discussion will focus on 2-3 chapters a week. The group will utilize questions and prompts to facilitate discussion. 

What about lunch?
Whether coming from work or from home, please bring a lunch to eat during the meeting. 

Why should I attend?
This is a great opportunity to read many New York Times Best Sellers while conversing with friends. Join us for laughter, learning, and lively conversation all during your lunch break.

Contact Mike Gregg if you are interested in joining this group.

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