Adult Sunday School Summer Sabbatical

Adult Sunday School Summer Sabbatical

Sunday, August 13, 2023, 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM

Location: Vickrey Hall, Dallas, TX US 75230

The objective of Summer Sabbatical is to give adult Sunday School teachers a break from teaching and allows the opportunity to fellowship and learn with members of other Sunday school classes. During August we choose relevant topics that expand awareness, engage and educate. The themes are meant to encourage, Living Out the Faith. All members, neighbors and friends are encouraged to attend this program.

August 13 – Kevin Doughtery, Professor of Sociology at Baylor University. Alliance of Baptist THRIVE partner. Discussing the THRIVE Project with Q&A.

Dr. Dougherty is a co-director of the Churches that THRIVE for Racial Justice Project. The THRIVE Project is a partnership with the Alliance of Baptists. It seeks to examine and empower congregations in the work of racial justice. Royal Lane Baptist Church is one of 26 Alliance congregations participating in the project.

August 20 – Program to be determined.

August 27 – Rev. Victoria Robb Powers & the Formations Sunday School Class


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