Every Sunday, 9:45 AM - 10:50 AM
Various Sunday School options are available for children (age 3 - 5th grade) in the Education Building, Children's Classrooms and youth (grades 6-12) in the Youth Cottage from 9:45-10:50 AM.
Nursery care is provided for children from birth through pre-Kindergarten during the Sunday School hour and worship.
CHILDREN’S curriculum
The children's department uses Shine Curriculum, accompanied with The Peace Table Bible.
Children's sunday school teachers
Jan Quesada, Bryan Chastain, Cookie Stokes, Theresa Helms, and Sarah Vickrey
godly play
Three Year - Fifth Grade during Sunday Morning Worship, following Time for Young Disciples.
YOUTH curriculum
The youth department topics vary. We aim to create safe communal space for questions, curiosity, Biblical study, and discussing relevant topics. Often we will do creative activities to help us reflect on our inner lives and we always have time to share about our lives.
sixth through twelve grade teachers
Beth Johnson, Blake and Shannon Miller