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Volume 35, No. 11

6/2/21 | Newsletter

Returning to Worship Guidelines

Dear Royal Lane Family,

Before returning to in-person worship June 6th, the Re-Opening Committee would like to remind you of our recommended safety measures.  Because each of us are still vulnerable to the COVID-19 virus, and because we may be worshipping with children who are unable to receive vaccines and people who are immunocompromised, our safety practices will continue.

General Safety Protocols:

  1. Mask wearing is highly encouraged, especially during congregational singing. Unvaccinated children should wear masks.
  2. Please use hand sanitizer upon entering the sanctuary.
  3. Continue to practice distancing.
  4. Stay home if you feel sick.

Here are some details about our worship time together:

  1. Children remain in the pews during the Children’s Sermon.
  2. Childcare will not yet be available.
  3. Ushers will have offertory plates at the sanctuary exit locations – Narthex, and East Exit by parking lot.
  4. When Communion is served, individually packaged juice/wafer elements (including Gluten Free wafers) will be served.

Returning to worship is a big step, and one we are taking with a lot of discussion, thought and prayer.  Thank you for your patience and grace throughout this process.

Charlotte Sewell, Deacon Chair