?> Articles | Royal Lane Baptist Church


Volume 33, No. 21

11/6/19 | Newsletter

You Have a Deacon!
Enthusiasm for Christ
(From 10/31/2019 – Weekly Mosaic)

In Acts 6, the Greek-speaking Jews complained to the Hebrew-speaking Jews that their widows were being neglected during the distribution of food and supplies. In essence, many foreign widows were not being cared for. So, the twelve followers of Jesus recruited help from among the many disciples to serve those in need. In fact, that is what the word “deacon” means in its most ancient form – servant. The deacons for Royal Lane Baptist Church have always functioned as a board of directors, and yet, they are also a body of servants. Servants who are commissioned to do so with wisdom and in the Spirit of God.

For the deacons to serve you better, we have created Deacon Ministry Groups. Each of our sixteen deacons has a list of individuals and family units within the church for whom she or he is to give care and attention. Your Deacon Ministry Group leader will contact you soon, introducing herself or himself and establishing their supportive presence through your connection to the activities, opportunities, and clergy of Royal Lane. It is my hope that you will build a strong relationship with your deacon and that through this connection, the leadership and clergy of the church can celebrate with you in your joys, grieve with you in your losses, and better connect you to Royal Lane’s ongoing ministries and opportunities.

I am excited that you have a deacon and for that deacon to be a valuable point of contact and connection to the church leadership and staff. I hope you will take advantage of this new relationship and get to know your new deacon, as she or he supports you, prays for you, and connects with you on your spiritual journey. As the people of Christ, we are all a body of servants in the world. Nonetheless, the deacons and I are excited for this new way to serve with you better at Royal Lane Baptist Church.

Pastor Mike

Enthusiasm for Christ
(From 10/31/2019 – Weekly Mosaic)

I came across a profound article written by one of my friends and mentors, Bill Wilson of the Center for Healthy Churches. He asked if we knew the etymology of the word “enthusiasm.” According to Wilson, it comes from the Greek and is a combination of two words, “en” (in) and “theos” (God). Enthusiasm, in its original form, means having God within us.

Wilson continues, “When the body of Christ is ‘en theos,’ that is, when local church life is grounded in God’s presence rather than ritual or personality or practice, healthy enthusiasm becomes a defining trait of God’s people. The healthiest churches I know are not clergy-focused or program-focused or doctrine-focused. They are Christ-focused. Whether it be acts of worship or mission endeavors or teaching opportunities or fellowship events or outreach efforts, the persistent emotion underneath them all is a deep and authentic enthusiasm.”

But I wonder if the Christian Church has lost its enthusiasm? Pew Research reported that 26% of Americans now self-identify as religiously unaffiliated, up from 17% just 10 years ago. A quarter of Americans don’t claim a religious community or practice. These Americans may not be leaving faith altogether, but they are certainly leaving organized religion. I wonder if they would say they don’t see enthusiasm in Christianity. They might describe Christianity with words like “petty, dishonest, hurtful, and power-hungry” rather than “enthusiastic.”

I think we need for God to be within us as we exit a really trying and difficult two weeks and as many of us plunge headfirst into the uncertainty of our lives. If we become and remain enthusiastic for Christ, maybe we can change those statistics. Maybe people will be drawn to our enthusiasm in bringing comfort and healing to the lives in this church and also this city. Let us try and be enthusiastic Jesus followers who continue to show our enthusiasm, having God within us, as members of Royal Lane Baptist Church.

Pastor Mike