Small Group Ministries


Upcoming Events

Sat 2/15/25

Questers Class

Saturday, 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Click for link to Zoom Video Meeting

Sun 2/16/25

Foundation Stones Class

Sunday, 9:45 AM - 10:30 AM

FOUNDATION STONES CLASS Led by Scott Bryant Class members range in age from college students to...

Sun 2/16/25

Formations Class

Sunday, 9:45 AM - 10:30 AM

FORMATIONS CLASS Led by Jack Mullinax, John Helms, Paulette Harrison, and Mike Keith This class is...

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Small Group Ministries

Royal Lane Baptist Church offers opportunities for fellowship through various small group ministries. 


Royal Lane's Young Adult Ministry offers a variety of events for adults in their 20s and 30s to connect with each other and intersect with other groups within our church. Whether it's a Sunday lunch, book group, topical study, or inter-generational dinner, we provide opportunities for fellowship, education, and discussion for our young adults.  

Women of the church

Women of the Church at Royal Lane Baptist seek to grow closer to God and to each other through missions, fellowship, outreach, ministry to women, education and spiritual growth.

We minister to women in our church and community when they experience the joys and challenges of life, reminding them of Christ’s love and healing.

We educate and involve ourselves, our church, and our community in opportunities for missions and ministries at home and abroad through our speakers and programs.

We strive for closer fellowship with Christ as we join our hearts in Christian love and service.

We encourage visitors to the church to join our fellowship
and serve with us as we grow in Christ.

Learn More

Men of the Church

The Men of the Church invite all men to join them on the third Thursday of every month.  Enjoy a night out with good food and fellowship.

Care Groups

Royal Lane has a deep commitment to bolstering the fellowship we have between the membership of our congregation. To adequately find time for each member of Royal Lane to “get to know” each other, which is not always possible during regularly scheduled events at the church, we have developed a series of Care Groups that meet periodically, allowing a valuable time of social interaction. For more information about Care Groups, please contact Wayne Meachum.